The Japanese Government announced the basic guideline for Dioxin reduction plan formally.

March 31, 1999

The ministerial committee on Dioxin in Japan formally adopted basic guidelines Tuesday for measures aimed at cutting such emissions by 90 percent within the next four years. They headed by Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi.

They pledged efforts to cut the nation's overall dioxin emissions by 90 percent from 1997 levels by the end of 2002.

Japan's level of dioxin is reportedly as much as 10 times higher than in most Western nations because up to 90 percent of its waste is incinerated, which is the main source of dioxin emissions.

According to the guidelines, Japan's index on tolerable daily intake (TDI) of dioxin will be revised within three months to bring it in line with a proposal by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The 90 percent cut in dioxin emissions would be achieved mostly through steps to reduce the amount of garbage sent to incinerators. Recycling and re-use will also be encouraged, as will the development and promotion of technologies to prevent the creation of dioxin.

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Souces; The Japan Times