エッフェル塔 in Paris

Last winter, my younger daughter and I went Paris,Rome,and Greece (1997.12.17-12.26).
This trip was very nice ,and during this trip , I took a lot of photo about 200 piece. ...so many ! don't astonish me.
In Paris, we had horrible experience . we walked in front of Tower of Eiffel , two men who sat with canvas , chair on road were approaching us, and said " We are art students ,and we want to draw you for our study , just free."
But after that they force us to pay so high price.
" @ 500 Fran ? " "No ! I don't have so much money. " " @ 300 Fran ? " " No ! You said just draw ! "
After all , they watched in my purse , check it, and all money they took that I had. Do you think how much? Though they took all cash in my purse that I had, just 50 Fran. I had card and T.C , and little money just that time.
It help me and my young daughter, but it is so awful experience for us.

「モンマルトル」では 「一人 500 Fran で描いているが、特別に学生割引で 150 Fran  にしてやるので 描かせて!」としつこくせまってきました。同じツワーのご夫婦は 「400 Fran にまけさせて 描いてもらった」と言っておられました。とにかく、2枚の鉛筆画の似顔絵は、パリの記念として「額」にいれられわが家の居間に飾られています。

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